Environmental Policy

Allied Filter Systems Ltd recognise environmental management as among the highest priorities within the business. To achieve pollution prevention and to pursue our goal of continual improvement we will:

  • Comply with and where appropriate exceed all legal and other environmental requirements relevant to our activities.
  • Assess and control the environmental aspects of our activities, products and services to minimise their impact on the environment.
  • Develop eco-efficient working practices by reducing resource consumption and waste generation. Where possible we will recover and recycle waste.
  • Understand and control the risks of our activities to minimise environmental pollution, damaging incidents and nuisance to local residents.
  • Assess and minimise the environmental consequences of new business developments.
  • Ensure our employees and contractors have sufficient experience and training to enable them to meet their responsibilities in safeguarding the environment, including compliance with this policy and relevant procedures.
  • Communicate on the environment with interested parties, including employees and customers. We will promote co-operation and good communication at all levels in the company.
  • Make this policy publicly available.
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